How to Live with a Narcissistic Husband?

Shulagna Sharma
4 min readOct 31, 2022

‍Image Source: Unsplash‍

Narcissism is characterized by an excess of self-love. It’s a spectrum ranging from healthy to pathological and can also be found in people with anti-social personality disorder. Narcissists are obsessed with their own reflection and aren’t able to see beyond their own needs. As a result, it makes so much sense why they wouldn’t be able to have a balanced and healthy relationship. To have a narcissist for your husband means living with somebody who believes he’s superior to others, has an inflated sense of his own importance, as well as an inability or unwillingness to recognize how his actions impact others. Sounds like an exhausting partner indeed! But you don’t need to struggle alone in this situation. Keep reading for more information about how to live with a narcissist husband.

How to live with a narcissist husband?

First, let’s talk about how to live with a narcissist husband without triggering him. A narcissist is somebody who has an excessive obsession with themselves. They need constant attention and admiration. And as a result, it is extremely triggering for them when their partner does not give them the attention or admiration that they crave so desperately. So there are a few important things to remember about how to live with a narcissist husband. First, you must learn how to set healthy boundaries when it comes to your partner. If you always give in to him, he will quickly become demanding and controlling. Narcissists need people to give in to them, because it feeds their own desire for attention. Remember to always be firm and don’t give in to his demands when they aren’t reasonable. Keep your promises and do what you say you will do. Second, be careful how you criticize your partner. Narcissists are extremely sensitive to criticism. If your partner is a narcissist, then he will take everything as an insult and become extremely defensive as a result. So whenever you are criticizing your partner, make sure it is constructive and helpful. Be careful not to hurt their feelings or become offensive. If he gets defensive, take a step back and try again later.

Narcissists are extremely sensitive to criticism

Third, don’t expect your partner to ever show gratitude for what you do for the relationship. Narcissists are very self-absorbed and rarely consider the needs or feelings of others. They expect you to cater to them and do what they want, but they won’t ever give back to you. It is best to accept this about them and learn how to cope with it so that you don’t get upset or resentful. Fourth, don’t expect an apology from your partner. When narcissists do something that hurts you, they probably don’t even realize they did something wrong. They don’t take responsibility for their actions, so don’t expect them to apologize. Instead, learn how to forgive your partner and move on with your relationship.

Don’t expect apologies from a narcissist

Fifth, remember that you can’t change your partner. You can only change yourself. Even if you were able to magically transform your partner into being a better person, it wouldn’t last. It is completely unhealthy to try to change another person. You can only change yourself for the better. Focus on improving yourself and your relationship. Finally, don’t stay in an unhealthy relationship. No matter how much you love your partner, if the relationship is unhealthy, unhealthy things will happen eventually. You may stay in denial about the problems, but they will come up again and again.


Are you living with a narcissist husband? It may seem like an exhausting relationship, but there are ways to cope. First, remember that you can’t change your partner. Only you can change yourself. Second, set healthy boundaries with your partner. Third, don’t expect your partner to show gratitude for what you do. Fourth, don’t expect an apology from your partner. Fifth, remember that you can’t change your partner. Sixth, don’t stay in an unhealthy relationship. And finally, focus on improving yourself and your relationship. With these tips, you can survive an unhealthy relationship and maybe even thrive in it.

Thanks for reading.

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